When my mom tried to teach phonics to five-year-old me, I yelled, “I want to read!”  I didn’t want to waste time on letters and sounds—I wanted stories!

My love of stories has never wavered. Through the many changes I’ve undergone in both situation and interests, my dependence on stories has only grown. I’ve been a reader all my life. When I became a mother, I turned to audiobooks to sustain me. I no longer had time to read print, but I simply could not function without stories.

Road trips have been instrumental in my development as a writer. As a child in the back seat, driving through the Central Valley of California to visit family, I spent countless hours staring down miles of crop rows, but I was never bored. While staring out the car window, the many stories I’d encountered blended in my mind and inspired flashes of my own original stories. Even so, I’d never considered writing them down until late in college, when a professor suggested it to me. I was a reader—the possibility of writing hadn’t crossed my mind.

During my first year as a high school English teacher, I began writing down a few of the ideas that had floated around my mind for years. Those disjointed thoughts became a basic story, which morphed into a plot. I felt the Lord telling me to write it, so with my husband’s support, I committed to writing my first novel, which I intend to be the first in a four-book series. I have completed that novel and am in the process of publishing it.

I live in Southern California with my husband and our two young children.